We Find Vulnerabilities that Automated Scans Can't Find.

A penetration test, also known as a pentest or ethical hacking, is an authorized simulated cyberattack on a computer system, performed to evaluate the security of the system. It's done to make sure you can fix loopholes before outside intruders can find them.


If Automated Scans Could Detect all Vulnerabilities there Would be No Leaks, No Compromised Systems, No Ransom Demands.

A Scan is only one Step

A system scan gives a good overview of what is there. It's like a rough map. Once that is done we start our work and dig deeper. We know how hackers think and we use that knowledge and experience to help you make your system secure.
We use the best tools & the finest security experts to make your system safe.


We find loopholes in your mobile app before hackers do it. Your IT infrastructure has a tremendous value. Once it is compromised it's often too late to fix anything. Don't leave your most valuable assets unattended and open to attacks from malicious hackers.

The best time to do a penetration test is now.

Hackers Do Not Wait

Hackers will not wait until your are ready. They scan websites on a massive scale and when they find one of their favorite vulnerabilities they'll attack and they are very fast, very sophisticated and very relentless.

About Us

My first experience with hackers was in 1997. I happened to be in the office late at night when somebody tried to hack into my companies network. I was scared stiff and simply shut everything down. The next day I reconfigured the Windows NT server and it was all good.

Fast forward to 2023: I contracted a team of 9 dedicated ethical security researchers. They are team of true professionals.

You can count on them to deliver exactly what the proposal contains and they deliver it as scheduled.

Yes, you could call them hackers but in a good way. They use their curiosity and skills not to harm but they use it to help build a better world.

They use state of the art software programs to do the initial scans. Once that is done they start the work and dig deeper. They know how hackers think and they use that knowledge and experience to help you make your system secure. 

Several of the team members also participate in bug bounty programs.

HP Jeschke

Don't Take My Word for it

"Good pen testers mimic the methods used by
sophisticated attackers to identify vulnerabilities
before they can be exploited. That is best achieved
by using specialized, manual testing; not by
running automated tools."

Article | What Makes a Good Pen Tester
(Compliance Week Column) by John Reed Stark
Mr. Stark is a well known cybersecurity expert,
former Chief, SEC Office of Internet Enforcement


We do penetration testing for web apps, mobile apps and external pentests.
Web application testing

Web application and web service assessment implies both server-side and client-side security vulnerabilities identification, combining manual and automated vulnerability analysis and exploitation.

We find loopholes in your web app before hackers do it. 

Mobile application testing

We help you to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in mobile Apps on iOS and Android systems. 

We find loopholes in your mobile app before hackers do it.

External penetration testing

All systems and services that are reachable from the internet are most exposed.

We find ways to penetrate your accessible external systems before the bad guys can do it.


Selection of companies where our team of IT experts did penetration tests.
StackFuel GmbH
Win Health Medical

Next Step

Whether you are just curious or interested or ready to
order the next step is a meeting via Skype or Zoom.


Frequently Asked Questions

No. We can not simply test any web site or mobile app or network unless we have full written authorization to do so including authority the access any third party apps and services.

Ideally you would do a penetration test right away and then at least with every major release of your software or third party software.

You should do all you can to prevent any bugs or vulnerabilities. Modern software is very complex and it is very unlikely that one of your in-house developers has all the needed familiarity and experience that is needed to really find all bug. Even the best and most famous companies hire outside pentesting teams and it is very rare that a penetration test does not result in finding vulnerabilities. 

Compared to the value of your whole organization it's actually very in-expensive. Any critical vulnerability that stays there and does not get fixed fast can result in tremendous damage. 

ASAP. Any day that your IT system stays vulnerable is one too much waiting.

Next Step

Whether you are just curious or interested or ready to
order the next step is a meeting via Skype or Zoom.